Privacy Policy

"our"(my) privacy policy. Compliant with GDPR, CCPA and the ePrivacyDirective

I'm using Plausible Analytics, a GDPR, CCPA, and cookie law-compliant (ePrivacyDirective) site analytics tool. I don’t care who you are, I am just curious about how many people actually use this website. There literally are no cookies associated with this.
The only cookies that might get saved are:

  • Cloudflare DDoS Protection | This cookie is used so you don't have to go through that "I am human" check when entering this site again for a while
  • Login cookies | Honestly do I need to say anything login I need to have a way to keep you logged in
  • Cookie consent banner | Ironically enough once again without cookies this website can't remember whether or not you've accepted the cookies

All this talk about cookies is making me hungry. Anyways there's no way this site would exist without those

To be fully transparent you can see the stats for this website both here or under the stats page

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